May Council Meeting

Another great turnout with over 50 members at our May council meeting. Susie Boster spoke about the Foster Program in the Archdiocese and how we can help with the program. Father Gerard opened with a prayer and spoke about his upcoming 6 week summer Prodigal Son program starting in June. Kerby Clevenger went through the new degree ceremonies and joined our council. Jimmy Powers was recognized as our latest Knight of the Quarter. The council approved a funding request received through our funding committee of $1400 to help the Saint Mary's food kitchen purchase needed equipment. Our local 4th Degree council is selling slabs of ribs for $20 each and pickup the weekend of May 15th. Our council is selling pulled pork in 2 pound bags for $25 each for pickup the weekend of May 22nd. Council elections were held and the budget for next fiscal year was presented and approved. The action packed council meeting lasted 45 minutes and ended on time with a great Cinco De Mayo meal of chicken fa...