
Showing posts from March, 2021

Lenten Fish Fry

 Thank you to all the volunteers and supporters of our 2021 Lenten Fish Fry's. A link to photos by John Caulfield is available below. It was a very different but successful year with only the curbside pickup option. We served a total of 2693 total meals / items over the 6 weeks. Thank you again for supporting one of our largest fundraisers.

March Meeting

 Our March meeting was attended by around 45 guys, which is getting closer to our pre-pandemic attendance levels. It is great to see people coming back to ur meetings and socializing again. We had a couple of first time visitors inquiring about becoming a Knight and had 3 new members who went through our degree ceremony prior to the meeting. The new members are pictured below. From left to right is Gene Zwolinski, our Grand Knight,  Andrew Caldwell,  John Lubianesky  &  Joe Terranova.  Matt Textor gave an update on our Lenten Fish Fry's. The conversion to a curbside pickup only has been a challenge, but has proven to be effective with  with 306 meals served our first week and 519 served for the second.  Matt, the cooking, and serving teams have done a great job with this transition. Ben Biller promoted the upcoming Food Drive which will be taking place the weekend of March 13th & 14th.